Our New Home
- Uncategorized
- 01/04/16

Our New Home
If there’s one thing that looks dated more quickly than a trendy color or corrugated metal wall panels, it’s a website. Arrow B Architecture incorporated in 2012 with a modest, simple website – a solid old thing “with good bones and potential,” as the saying goes. That’s a polite way of commenting that the structure is sound, but the looks could use some work; it’s a decent start, but let’s see where it goes. Fair enough.
After four years of hard work, diligent cultivation of clients, and the establishment of our own brand, it’s time we show some things off. So we set about giving our online presence a good freshening-up: a new look, helpful navigation, and a showcase for our latest projects and growing team. The dust has settled, construction is complete, and we are very proud to introduce the new arrowbarchitecture.com.
Still modest. Still simple. Still reflective of good bones. And brimming with the potential of what we have yet to accomplish. Take a look around, read about our history and what we stand for, meet the team, and check out what we’ve been working on. We hope you enjoy our new digital home – and keep checking back to see what we’re up to.